Living Herb Wall

Have you ever been cooking, all set up with your ingredients, and realize you don’t have any of the fresh herbs you needed?! Buying those huge packs at the grocery store can be so expensive and wasteful when you really only need a couple pinches. Well luckily, you can keep fresh herbs right at home and have them available as needed right above your sink.

All you need are these supplies and to follow the easy steps below!


Let’s get started!

1. Find a great location

Ideally you’ll want to place these right near a bright window for best growth!


2. Pot your herbs in planters

Carefully remove your plants from the plastic container they come in to pot them into your pretty planters.

3. Label your herb shelves

Using the white pain pen, label your shelves! If you don’t have great handwriting, you can buy letter stickers.


4. Hang the shelves and place the plants

Make sure to press firmly into the wall with the command strips, holding for 30 seconds, and letting set for 2 hours before placing the plants on top.

And once you’re all set up… use your herbs! For cooking cocktails and so much more. Cheers!


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